I was only 3 months old when my dad broke his neck 19 years ago.
It’s always been my dream to play football with him, sadly my dream will never come true, but I’d like to do my little bit in helping other Children’s dreams come true, whether it be play football with their dad or netball with their mum.
So I’m going to run the most famous 26.2 mile marathon in the world next April.
My place is secured but I’d love to raise £5,000.00 to give back to the people who practically saved my dads live.
So I need your help please.
Spinal Research is the UK’s leading charity funding medical research around the world to develop effective treatments for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury. Every year 1,000 people in the UK and Ireland are paralysed following an injury to their spinal cord. We receive no government funding and rely entirely on the support of the public to raise funds for our research. Because of the efforts of our supporters, we have funded innovative medical research that has achieved a number of ground breaking changes in the field.