After much consideration and a majority vote, Tiger has chosen James’ Place as their 2022 charity. As a company, we share their belief that the mental health of men is not vocalised enough and James’ Place is playing a critical role in changing that.
In keeping with our Summer Fete theme, you have until midday on Thursday 30th June to enter the 'Guess how many sweets in the jar' to win some super prizes. We ask for minimum donation of £2.
A winner will be drawn at random from the correct guesses, and one lucky entrant will win the jar of sweets, plus a £100 restaurant voucher!
DONATIONS: Please highlight your name/company in your donation. If you wish to remain anonymous on the main page but still want to enter please email and let us know you have donated. All donations will be checked against the submissions.
James' Place's mission is to stop men dying by suicide. Yet, in the UK suicide is still the single leading cause of death of men under 50. We believe that no man should face a suicidal crisis alone. James' Place provides free, professional therapy for men in suicidal crisis to help them find hope for the future.