Alexander Simpson

Alexander's Boston Bound Marathon John Creek Georgia page

Fundraising for SIRS
In memory of Bradley Simpson
We raise funds for research for treatment to those living with schizophrenia.


To be a worldwide organization aiming to bring together researchers in schizophrenia & related disorders to: -Exchange the latest advances in research & facilitate these findings to clinical practice -Facilitate int'l communication & collaboration in research -Promote educational programs to disseminate new research findings related to schizophrenia -Encourage research publication -Increase the public understanding of impact of schizophrenia -Support increased research funding for schizophrenia research -Promote the highest ethical standards

About the charity

SIRS is an international organization that aims to bring together researchers in schizophrenia & related disorders in order to positively impact the field through research and clinical application.

Donation summary

Total raised
Online donations
Offline donations

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