As a family member, friend or fellow human please support me in my challenge to raise £1,100 for Worldwide Cancer Research, an organisation that is a positive force for change in the world. On the 18th October I will run the Amsterdam Marathon in their name. They are a genuinely worthy charity that invests across borders and across strands, targeting the most promising avenues of research for both the mitigation and cure of this monstrous disease.
- They have currently funded over £180 million of research into 23 different cancer types in 34 countries across the globe!
- Their mandate is ; "Our horizons are broad and our vision bold but we believe we will, with the right research, see no life cut short by cancer. "
Running the formidable 26 miles and 385 yards is the most charitable expression of personal self-destruction I have ever done. Positively impact the field of cancer research with me.
JustGiving is a simple and safe platform for charities and initiatives such as my own, so if you would like to donate, then you can do so efficiently and directly right here, right now.
Yours Gratefully,
Alex Hill