Thanks for visiting my JustGiving page.
At the start of September 2013 I was diagnosed with an Ocular Melanoma on my right eye. In short I had a cancerous tumour growing on the back of my eye. After 3 months, 2 surgeries and the loss of vision in my right eye I am on the mend.
While it has been a very scary time, I have cancer, I know I was very lucky that it was not life threatening, and I knew that with the 2 surgeries I would be able to continue on with my life almost normally. I have only lost a small percentage of my sight, and I will be scanned every 6 months for the rest of my life, meaning if I do get cancer again it will be caught early so I can be treated.
It is because of my experiences, and the ones that will come that I want to give back to Cancer Research UK. This January I’m taking on Dryathlon®. I’ll be ditching the drink for one month to help bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.
As you all know I love my glasses of wine! Please dig deep and donate now.