"England is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world" (UK Environment Agency 2022).
We came 189th out of 240, having destroyed half our biodiversity already.
Even in my lifetime we have lost over 75% of; wildflower meadows, Hedgehogs, farm ponds, house sparrows, insect biomass, Turtle Doves....
There are many causes; unsustainable fishing and farming practices, shooting estates, perverse incentives, compromised parliamentarians, vulture capitalists asset-stripping our water companies...
Fortunately many charities, NGOs & individuals have stepped in to fill the moral void.
One of the most highly regarded is the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts. A charity formed in 1912, our local area is covered by the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust (HIWWT).
The HIWWT is our nominated charity, we are Corporate Members and donate a percentage of our turnover.
Why? Because rather than help an individual or group, we want to help generations.
Thank you for your support!