Age UK North Shropshire Supporters are holding a competition to raise funds for Age UK in North Shropshire. Send us the cutest/funniest photos of your cats and dogs and donate a minimum of £2 to enter.
There are 5 categories you can enter:
- Prettiest Puppy or Kitten
- Most Beautiful Dog or Cat
- Pet Most Like their Owner
- Best Action Shot
- Highest Combined Age of Pet and Owner
- You may enter a maximum of two photographs per category. You can enter as many categories as you wish.
- Please make a donation of at least £2 per photo (click on the donate box above). Type in the box £2 for one entry or multiples of £2, depending on the number of entries, plus anything extra if you're feeling generous.
- Send your photos to by Friday 18th September 2020.
- For each photo, include your name, the name of your pet, and the category you are entering (and your ages in category 5).
- If your donation has been given under a different name, please state that name.
- State if you agree that you can be contacted via email in relation to this competition.
- By entering this competition, you are agreeing for your photos to be used in the Border Counties Advertizer and on Age UK websites and Facebook pages if you are one of the winners.
The competition will be judged by three members of the Age UK North Shropshire Supporters committee, including a veterinary surgeon and an animal welfare specialist.
The top three winners in each category will receive a rosette and certificate, and their photographs will appear on the Age UK websites and Facebook pages: first prize winners will appear in the Border Counties Advertizer.