Since I have been associated with NZF; I have personally come across many heart breaking cases, SubhaanAllah. Many sisters, brothers, children have been supported by NZF in an absolute critical situations. Alhumdolilah.
These most blessed days of Dhul Hijjah are for our benefit only to make the most of them and give as much as we can for seeking the PLEASURE OF ALLAH SWT. Indeed HE is of no need from us but can we give enough for HIS SAKE.
All praise is due to Allah, and may He send peace and salutations on His Messenger, Muhammad S.A.W.. I ask Allah to give us the Tawfiq to do many righteous deeds and to take advantage of this time He has given us before a Day arrives when we will regret every moment not spent in seeking His Pleasure.
Jazakumallahu Khairun Katheerun
Sister Afreen