Hi all, thankyou for visiting my justgiving page.
I would like to ask you for your generosity in sponsoring me to help me reach my £600 target. The cause i am raising the money for is Prostate Cancer, which is the most common cancer found in males, each year 10,200 men die from this cancer and for this reason i believe it is a great cause as it has unfortunately affected my own family.
Im not asking money for nothing, on the 27th June i will be beginning my 200 mile cycle ride to Paris, crossing the channel on the first day and spending 2 further days in the french countryside finishing up at the Eiffel Tower. Although challenging and most probably painful, i believe it is worth the effort if it means i can make a difference and i'd hope you would think the same in sponsoring me.
I am completing the journey with a number of friends, and i hope to make many more on my travels. The team effort will ensure no-one fails to complete this journey, however with your help we will have extra encouragement to finish the job.
So please guys can you sponsor me with whatever you can, however little or large it will all be going to a great cause, I will be updating you on how my training goes and news before i leave.
Thankyou in advance for your generosity, Adam