Thanks for taking a peak at my page! Now for me to attempt to sway you to dig deep into your pockets to fund awareness and life changing/saving research, not only for people who suffer from heart and circulatory disease but for families who lost loved ones way too soon. Here it goes...
The BHF has helped halve the number of people dying from heart and circulatory disease in the UK but sadly every day hundreds of people lose their lives. It's only thanks to support from people like you that the BHF can create new treatments and discover new cures. £24 could pay for two hours of research by an early career scientist, but every pound helps so please give what you can to help me hit my target and way beyond!
The Frosts my Maternal family have been cursed with heart problems and over the years having seen various family members pass away, or be treated for relating conditions, enough is enough. My Grandfather has had 4 heart attacks which has in turn had a strain on many other organs over time, he now has Kidney Failure and COPD along with many others. This man is my only Father figure and to see him, overtime, deteriorate, refuse further treatment (because frankly, its scary) and finally become accepting of 'this is how life is now' is heart breaking. Along with friends of mine who tragically lost their father last year (too early, way too early), he will be sorely missed and is without a doubt one of the kindest men I'd ever met. A true legend!
Poppy and I will be taking on the South Coast Ultra Challenge to walk 100km (62mi) along the south coast, through the undulating hills of the South Downs. Couldn't do this without the support of this awesome lady!
I know what you're thinking, she's nuts, 2 and a half marathons, how?! Believe me all of these thoughts have been forefront in my mind for the past few months. My colleagues are surely bored, hearing about it. However we've decided to put our middle figure up to all of those negative thoughts and this disease, in the hope that we can make a difference to our chosen charities!
Lastly but not least you can see that this is a personal mission and I ask you all to give as much as you can to this charity. Thank you to all of the people who are able to support me, its a big'n!
Lot's of Love, Abby xxx