ARI Roof Garden ~ Sow the Seeds!
We are planning a beautiful roof garden for patients and relatives at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and we would love your support!
The garden is being designed for patients to enjoy, whether they can walk, are in a wheelchair, or a bed.
This therapeutic garden will provide safe, attractive spaces, surrounded by trees, shrubs, and flowers.
Every penny you donate will go directly to creating this very special garden.
Please dig deep!
Karen Darke, Roof Garden Ambassador and
2012 Paralympic Silver Medallist, Women's Road Time Trial writes,
"I was confined to a hospital bed for three months, due to an accident that had paralysed me. The moment I will remember forever and a key turning point in my recovery, was being helped out to a small patio outside the hospital - I lay there all day and into the evening, in awe at the sky, trees and fresh air. The effect of that day transformed my journey forward, inspiring me to make the most of my new situation. I discovered that the power of nature to heal is profound and so it is a great pleasure to be an Ambassador for the roof garden. I am sure it will help many people."