Update,finish time 2 hours 11mins.Sunny warm day...beautiful scenery especially coming back along the promenade next to the Mersey! I ran it without stopping once,my damaged ankle only stayed painfree until mile 8 but I grinned and bared it and mile 11 nearly finished me off but I just kept going.My housemate only came in 20 mins after me im so proud of her.Ive pulled my left hamstring a little but thats mainly from doing so much straight from having 6 weeks off with my accident..oh and gained my first blister...serves me right for changing my socks from the ones ive used in training haha.Was quite hilly in parts so faced my fear of hills,cranked my music up and just in so much pain now but thankfully have tomorrow off work lol.Thankyou all once again for sponsering me,wouldtnve got back up from my accident and done it without you guys!!! Love to you and hopefully see you all on here for the London Marathon next year xox