Hey Everyone,
As you maybe aware Cancer seems to becoming more and more common these days. To think that in every 2 minutes someone in the UK is told they have Cancer and I dread to think what the statisitics are in the rest of the world.
I am one of the fortunate individuals that have not had the scare but do feel for those who have either had the scare or have not been able to fight against it such as distant realitives and friends.
Knowing the few that have been affected by such cause has made me want to do my part to fight against Cancer,so I took on the plunge to join my friend Magdalene and others in their team called "First Timers" to run the 5K Race for Life on Saturday 7th July 2012.
Okay Okay I know what you are all thinking ......5K is that all I am going to run but to someone as unfit as me trust me thats alot in fact I am actually thinking of walking it. ;)
I have given myself a target of £100 towards my team target of £500. Here is now where I need your support. Please donate as much or as little as you can as every little helps (& no I don't work for Tesco, I just strongly believe in the slogan-lol)
Much appreciation to for all your support whatever it maybe :)