If anyone is visiting this page and doesn't know me: I am a 51 year old GP and have stumbled across this means of fundraising by accident when browsing online. I've been inspired to give it my full commitment and to raise as much money for the cause in the process. For those who do know me, then you are right I should stick to darts and snooker!
In the last 12 months, several family, friends, and work colleagues have all been diagnosed with various forms of cancer. Despite dealing with illnesses everyday at work the emotional and physical effects cancer can have on both the sufferer and their family never escape me. In fact, my daily contact with cancer sufferers has inspired me to try and make a difference over and above my usual job.
In an aim to help raise awareness of the fight cancer sufferers face I am taking on a fight of my own and entering a charity boxing match. Three 2 minute rounds where I will be removed from the security of my desk and stethoscope and find myself totally out of my comfort zone.
On November 12th, I shall be taking part in a “White Collar Boxing” event at Kettering Conference Centre in aid of Cancer Research UK. The first official training session was on Monday 19th September and runs for 8 weeks culminating in the bout itself.
Cancer can affect any one of us. Your support will contribute to the task of improving the future treatment of cancer.
Collectively WE CAN FIGHT cancer!
Thanks for reading my story. I will aim to update this regularly with training updates so please revisit my page between now and the 12th of November.