I am running 50 half-marathons in 50 weeks for Nightline because student mental health is an issue which means a lot to me and desperately needs more attention.
Why I'm Doing It
In September 2013 I left Sheffield to start a degree in math at the University of Manchester. Despite a strong support network, joining many societies, and doing well academically, within just a few short months I fell into a very deep depression. For most of my life I'd struggled with anxiety but this was much worse. I was self-harming, I'd stopped eating, and became actively suicidal. When I was at my worst and thinking of ending it all Manchester Nightline was there with someone to listen on the other end of the phone.
Thankfully with support from the University, medical professionals, friends, and family I was able to get better and eventually complete my degree, but I wouldn't have been able to take those steps if Nightline hadn't been there. I continued using the service throughout my degree when I needed to talk, and again when I had a serious relapse after starting my PhD at the University of Edinburgh. I owe massive thanks to the Nightline services I've used as well as all the volunteers whose hard work allows them to run.
About Nightline
Nightline is a confidential listening and information service run by students for students, and is often the only service available through the night. Whether your problems are big or small they'll be there to listen and provide non-judgemental, non-directive support.
The Nightline Association is the umbrella charity who provide support, resources, and training to Nightline services across the UK and ROI. The Association is almost entirely volunteer run (only one paid employee!) which means that any funds donated will really help them in their efforts to support local Nightline services. You can find more information, sign up to their mailing list, and find your local service here:
The Challenge
Every week for the last 50 weeks of 2020 (starting Friday 17th Jan, finishing Thursday 31st Dec) I'm going to do one run of at least 21.1km (13.1 miles) in length. To save money that could otherwise be going to charity most of these aren't organised races with paid entry but just me, running on my own. You can find a spreadsheet of exactly what's planned here:
What You Can Do
Please consider donating to this campaign and sharing it with the people you know, especially students or prospective students going to University. Most importantly, if you're feeling lost and want someone to listen then please reach out to your local Nightline (if you're a student) or to one of the services listed here: