This year for my 40th Birthday I choose to celebrate with Fareshare. They have a made a HUGE difference is this community since the start of lockdown so it’s time for us to make a difference in there’s.
I will be exercising for 40 minutes every day through out April, which won’t be easy for me due to lack of time and a massive lack of fitness!! I’ll be dragging The Cherry Tree Project kids along with me and you can follow this on @cherrytreeproject on Facebook or @cherrytreeyouth on Twitter/ Instagram.
Please donate, follow, share or even better, JOIN THE MOVEMENT :)
*Environmental charity, EMERGE 3Rs runs FareShare Greater Manchester, Touch Wood and Give and Gain and through our work we support thousands of people across our region every year to gain access to food, employment and training and significantly help to reduce waste and carbon emissions. In 2020/21, FareShare GM redistributed 3406 tonnes of food which contributed to over 8 million meals via 350 charities, community groups and schools who use the food to support those in need.*