Every three minutes someone in the UK develops the devastating relentless condition dementia.
Most of our Team and supporters will know someone who has been affected or living with this.
That is why on 29 June 2019 we are trekking 25 miles over the Yorkshire Three Peaks. Dementia is not a natural condition of ageing and it is not just about memory loss. It affects almost every aspect of life and as a result sufferers require round the clock care as they are no longer able to think clearly or move around safely, even in their own homes.
The work of Alzheimer’s Society
For every £1 of expenditure, 89p is spent on improving the lives of people with dementia. The remaining 11p is spent on supporting frontline activities. The only UK charity investing in research into dementia care, cause, cure and prevention. We’ve committed to spending £150 million on cutting-edge research over the next decade.
This disease is terrifying, undignified and lonely for the sufferers and heartbreaking for their loved ones. To see the person you love slowly disappear in a state of confusion and isolation while still living is distressing beyond words. The burden to the carers, often the closest family, is enormous and often devastating to their own lives.
The research is key to understanding how and why the disease progresses and ultimately find a cure.
Please support TEAM 361 to help raise money to support this charity!
(The 6 gals in 361 are: Sinead Bailey, Luciana Bittar Taffarello,
Vicky Doswell, Anna Osborne, Sidonie Delaney, Sharon Saunders)
3 peaks, 6 gals, 1 team