I learned of Special Effect, through playing my all time favourite game Elite.
In the last few years I've started to get back into computer gaming, although not on the scale as before. Through the re-release of my favourite game Elite Dangerous, I was introduced to this charity, and a couple of the amazing people I now class as friends.
These guys take gaming controllers apart, then re-assemble them on new clamps, buttons, pads.... whatever.... so that those people, who would love to join in with friends, or just play again after injury/accident, can get on board with what's basically an able bodied past time.
See some of their videos on youtube, I bet you well up. It's amazing what they do, and from this, I wish to give a little.
I've decided to spend 24 hours in front of a webcam (except for a certain break period) streaming. I'll be playing a few games, having a bit of chat, and hopefully having a couple of nice things as giveaways for my viewers.
Keep an eye out for updates.