There are currently 24 million people in need of humanitarian aid in Yemen - out of a 30 million population. 2020 not only marks 5 years of conflict in Yemen but poses an even greater challenge in light of coronavirus. This conflict has made the healthcare system unable to deal with a pandemic as it is thought only half of Yemen’s medical centres are fully functioning.
Tearfund works in the world’s 50 poorest countries distributing humanitarian aid and empowering communities to escape the cyclical nature of poverty. As part of The 24 Challenge, we will be raising funds for Tearfund's Coronavirus Appeal in Yemen and other countries - to provide community hygiene education, water stations and food distribution.
As a family, we will be making 24 bakes in 24 hours this Thursday. Any donations would be so appreciated! If you live locally, and you would like to receive one of our bakes, message us to let us know what you would like (we'll deliver within Kingswells!) For the person with the biggest donation at the end of the day, we will also make a special bake of their choice!
Please donate and follow us on Instagram @the_24challenge for all the updates!