This is Jacob, he is 5 years old. He was born with a very rare genetic disorder which causes him to have a severe global developmental delay, learning disabilities and epilepsy. Jacob is non verbal but is keen to learn some signs to communicate. He cannot walk far without support, and he cannot climb up and down stairs. Jacobs parents Sophie and Iain carry Jacob up and down stairs on a daily basis for the bathroom and to get to his bedroom. Jacob needs his home to be adapted to meet his needs, as he gets older and heavier his parents are so worried they will no longer be able to carry him and they want to be able to care for Jacob at home safely and with the dignity he deserves. A downstairs wet room and bedroom would give jacob the independence he so desperately needs and will be a life changer for him and his family. Jacob is the happiest little boy and his smile feels any room with sunshine. He has gone through and achieved so much in his 5 years of life. He is an absolute hero. We want to help Jacob as much as we can on his journey. Please help us help him. #Jacobsjourney #teamjacob