Thanks for taking the time to visit my 2016 JustGiving page.
The aim is to complete 4 events, starting with the Sheffield Half Marathon on 10th April, the Great Yorkshire Run 10k (in Harrogate this year) on 24th July, the Great North Run on 11th September, and as a finale the new Morpeth 2 Newcastle Half Marathon on 30th October.
I don't want to go over 3 hours for a half marathon, and would still love to break that 2:30 barrier - I can't help wanting to be quicker than last year in every event, but I'll be careful. One Personal Best is guaranteed by just finishing in the new M2N event.
Completed Sheffield Half with injured hip in 3:00:37, lovely day, poor time - 38 ******* seconds over maximum target! Great Yorkshire Run 10k in Harrogate was a warm day but a PB for the new hilly course set at a slow 1:20:46. The Great North was done in 2:53:40, a bit slower than wanted, but my 5k split times showed great consistency, so I got something right. I was in 35,942nd place with well over 5,000 behind me.
Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure.
They’ll send your money directly to Macmillan and ensure Gift Aid is reclaimed on eligible donations by UK taxpayers. The Santander Foundation will match each £1 raised. You give £1 and Macmillan will get £2 + any tax reclaimed as well.
Please dig deep and donate now.
On behalf of Macmillan, many, many thanks for your support and encouragement.
PS In the last 10 years I've raised over £16,000 for my charities thanks to you wonderful supporters, and to the Santander Foundation who match most of what has been donated - plus the Inland Revenue for chipping in with Tax relief. Previous years' efforts are here;