So many people have unknown illness they battle every day. These battles are relentless and all encompassing. I wish to raise awareness of some of these by having my own very public battle with a Rowing Machine between 1st Jan and 1st May 2023.
As a number of you may be aware, my wife Eliza had a brain haemorrhage 15 years ago Caused by a brain Cavernoma. This cluster of blood vessels bled causing stroke and life threatening surgery. Although the cavernoma was removed she still lives with chronic headaches, 24/7, and has done for the last 15 years.
I plan on rowing a little over a meter for every hour in the year, every day for 15 weeks. (To have a rest day I will round up to 1million meters from 919k and do it over 17 weeks). What's more I will try and do it with a smile on my face as she is so very positive in all she does.
I will also raise money for Alcohol Change UK and the National Eczema Society, doing dry January and having my own ongoing battle with a skin disorder which could make getting hot and sweaty on a rowing machine even more troublesome and at times very uncomfortable and painful.
Follow me on Instagram: @hamish_rows for screen shots and progress