JustGiving for schools and PTAs
Raise money for new equipment, facilities, staff, and more.
Get started
22m users
in 160+ countries
$6 billion+
raised so far
schools and charities worldwide
It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3
1. Sign up and create your campaign
Get started on your first always-on fundraising campaign. Your students can become fundraisers, with their own pages helping to support your campaign.
2. Add a Donate button to your website
You’ll get the code and links for your website, which allow you to accept online and reach the biggest audience possible.
3. Start getting donations online
Whether it’s your PTA, students, or local community, it’s easy for people anywhere to start donating and fundraising for your school.
Other benefits for schools
Learn how your schools can raise more with JustGiving.
Teach students
JustGiving Campaign Pages enable students to make their own fundraising pages to support your campaign. They’ll learn about social responsibility and ICT through online fundraising, while making a difference to their school.
Free campaigns
It’s free to join JustGiving on our starter plan – you just pay standard fees and transaction costs. From here, you can create Campaign Pages, giving you access to the JustGiving network in order to help you raise money for what you need.
Easy to use
It’s simple to get up and running with JustGiving, and we’ll provide you support along the way to make sure you raise the most money possible.
Gift Aid
If you’re a registered charity and your donors are eligible, we can reclaim the 25% Gift Aid tax relief on their donation, then pass it on to you.
Join JustGiving
Check out our options and sign up today!
Free to join
No monthly subscription fee.
0% platform fee. Standard payment processing fees apply.
Simple fundraising tools
Basic charity profile
Gift Aid claim for registered charities
Monthly payments
Already a registered charity? Sign up now.
Not a registered charity? Sign up here.
Don’t want to join? Learn about crowdfunding instead.
Note: schools who have applied to receive charity status but have been denied their application by the Charity Commission will be unable to sign up to our Start plan.