Top Training Tracks

Your personal playlists to see you through your fundraising.

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Looking for the perfect soundtrack for your latest fundraising challenge? We’ve got you covered. 

Top Training Tracks

Taylor Swift. Eminem. Survivor. Tunes to get you through your training.

Running’s in the name

Bruce Springsteen. Kate Bush. Our fundraisers loved songs with ‘run’ in the title.​

Movie Soundtracks

Barbie. Rocky. The Green Mile. The best big-screen tracks of 2023.

Taylor swift

The ultimate Taylor Swift playlist. In your fundraising era? This is the soundtrack for you.

Fun Facts 

Top artist

With a Reputation that’s Bigger Than the Whole Sky and hundreds of Enchanted Swifties entering over 31 of her Timeless hit songs, Taylor Swift secured her place as the number one artist to train to. 


Top of the list of best songs to listen to when running is Eye of the Tiger from the movie Rocky, despite it being released more than 45 years ago, followed by Eminem’s Lose Yourself and Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen. 

TOP Soundtrack

Hi, Barbie! 👋 Six out of eight Barbie soundtrack hits entered as best to train to, including I’m just Ken. 


Top titles

Runners particularly loved songs with ‘run’ in the title… Of the 6,000 songs entered, hundreds contained the words ‘run’ and ‘running’ in the title, including popular entries like, Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush and Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen.