Top 10 fundraising ideas
From difficult to easy, we have ideas for all ages and abilities to join the world of giving

Stuck for some inspiration?
Here are some tried and trusted ways that you could raise money for a cause that you care about. We rank the types of fundraising by level of difficulty and effort required so that you can see exactly what is in store before you undertake the challenge.
Doing charitable work is available to all, so don’t be put off by the fact that you are unable to do some of the suggestions on this list. Some of the biggest fundraising drives have been those that take very little effort (the ice bucket challenge is a great example) but are fun and can be done by anyone regardless of physical ability.
1. Run a marathon
[Difficulty – Hard]
It’s a challenge that many aspire to conquering during their lifetime, and is certainly no small feat. Running 26.2 miles takes a lot of preparation, training, and perseverance, and is a challenge that should be approached with dedication and respect, as it can be very demanding physically. This isn’t meant to put you off, JG staffers who have run marathons often get the bug and have run in multiple events in cities across the world. Fundraising and the marathon go hand in hand, and that sometimes makes it easier to communicate to your supporters how dedicated you are to the cause you are running for.
2. Enter a 10k
[Difficulty – Medium]
For those put off by the long-distance running of the marathon, there are many 10k and smaller running events around the country that are perfect for the more casual athlete. You will obviously still need exercise and preparation in the build-up, but the event can be approached with an attitude of “let’s get in shape” rather than looking to run an elite event.
3. Get on your bike and ride
[Difficulty – Medium]
There are plenty of organised events for those that would prefer a bicycle challenge rather than running to raise money for a charity. Or think of a cycling trip you have always wanted to take and raise money that way, both options are great for those who really enjoy riding their bicycles and helping to change lives.
4. Take the plunge and swim
[Difficulty – Easy to Hard]
Challenges that involve swimming are great for all ages and all abilities. Organised events such as the Swimathon are becoming more and more popular, and allow people to take to the water to raise money for a cause they really care about. Those who want a more difficult challenge
5. Give up something you love
[Difficulty – Easy]
It might not be easy for some, but it should be relatively simple for most people to give up something they enjoy for a month in order to raise some money for charity. There are many options, we have seen Dechox for chocolate, Sober October for alcohol, and Movember for shaving facial hair. This is another option for the creative among you, as you can choose to ditch the thing that you know your supporters will be most surprised you are giving up.
6. Get your pets involved
[Difficulty – Easy]
The UK is a nation of animal lovers, and as a population we obsess over our four-legged friends. A number of organised charity events have launched for those that want to spend time with their pets and raise money for a good cause. Some like the Dog Jog are open to all abilities and are a fun way to spend a day out with other dog owners, where both you and your pet get some exercise and help raise money for charity. You can also be creative and use your pet as a focus point for your fundraising, perhaps getting people to donate to animal welfare charities or rescue centres on their behalf.
7. Do an extreme challenge
[Difficulty – Hard]
Skydiving has long been a typical fundraising challenge, and it is still quite popular as a way to demonstrate commitment to a charity cause. Likewise, abseiling, long distance runs, or mountain climbing challenges can all resonate with supporters who will realise just how much effort you are putting into your charity work.
8. Organise a school event
[Difficulty – Medium]
A great way to raise money and engage with your local community is to organise a charity event with your children’s school. Having an activity day, that is linked to an online fundraising page, is an innovative way to teach kids about social responsibility and ICT.
9. Have a bake sale
[Difficulty – Easy]
It sounds very traditional, but with the popularity of the Great British Bake Off more and more people are turning to their kitchens to kick start a fundraising drive. A bake sale in your work or your child’s school is a good way to boost your fundraising for your page.
10. Do a year of good deeds
[Difficulty – Medium]
Why not think of giving as something you do year-round rather than once? By organising a series of events throughout a year, you, your family and your friends can all join in the fundraising.
We have seen some really amazing examples of people doing these challenges, and they can be as difficult or as easy as you wish. The key is to just make sure you can commit to everything you say you will.

Birthday fundraising
Get your friends to donate instead of giving presents.

Your story starts here
Find a cause you believe in and make good things happen.