Sharing your page
Here’s our top tips for spreading the word about your crowdfunding page.
Give your crowdfunding a boost

Share to your friends regularly and ask them to share too!

Add the link to your JustGiving page to your bio and add stories and posts along the way.

Get your story out there. Add hashtags and @ relevant users.

Don’t forget to share with your professional network too.

Video yourself talking about your cause and what it means to you.

Record a video showing what you’re doing, add stickers and filters.

Send an email or add to your email signature for your colleagues to see.

Send personalised messages to your friends families and groups
How to talk to your supporters
Get across the urgency of your appeal, and give your supporters a reason to donate immediately.

Post frequently – and where possible, upload images or livestream to your JustGiving page.

Donations on the go

Make a poster

Pay it your way