Crowdfunding with JustGiving

Raise money for your own personal cause, a person in need, clubs, schools, and communities.

Start crowdfunding

What is crowdfunding? 

Raise funds for personal causes

With crowdfunding, you can raise funds for anything that positively impacts your local community, an individual or the environment.

Maybe you want to support a local school, raise funds for a friend in need, or cover the costs of medical treatment. With JustGiving, you can do all of that and more.

Start by setting up your online crowdfunding page. It couldn’t be easier to tell your story and start crowdfunding. Once you’ve verified your bank details, you can start receiving donations.

There are no upfront fees. You have full control – with your ability to withdraw the funds to your own bank account within 14 days.


What can I raise money for?

You can raise money for almost anything that has a positive impact on individuals, communities, and the environment.

Creative projects

Artists, musicians, filmmakers, and writers often use crowdfunding to finance their projects such as albums, films, books, or art installations.

Inventions and innovation

Inventors and innovators can use crowdfunding to bring new products and technologies to market, bypassing traditional funding routes.

Events and campaigns

Crowdfunding can also be used to finance events, campaigns, or initiatives that require financial support, such as community events.

Personal needs

Individuals facing financial challenges, such as unexpected medical expenses or educational costs, may turn to crowdfunding for assistance.

Charitable causes

Charities and individuals can use crowdfunding to raise funds for charitable initiatives, disaster relief efforts, medical expenses, or community projects.

Startups and business

Entrepreneurs can use crowdfunding to launch new businesses or products.

Medical bills

Individuals can use crowdfunding to cover the cost of medical treatment for themselves or others.

Funeral costs

Crowdfunding can be used to remember loved ones, cover the cost of funerals or memorial services.

Vet bills

Individuals can use crowdfunding to fund treatment and cover medical bills for their pets or rescued animals.

If you donʼt hit your target youʼll still receive any funds you raised (minus some small fees), so you can still make good things happen.

Our data shows that pages with targets raise more than those without, so itʼs good to have something to aim for.

A shorter time limit keeps up the momentum and thatʼs why pages have an initial duration of 120 days.

Once your page is active you can extend it up to 1 year if you prefer.

Find everything you need to know about crowdfunding here.


You’re in good company

Check out these successful crowdfunding stories, where people have rallied together to support someone in need and make a real difference in their communities.

Colin Bedford

87-year-old Colin raised over £3,000 for his local Eye Clinic by riding 100 miles on 100-year-old bicycles.

Find out more

Sven The Reindeer

Thousands were raised to find Sven the reindeer a new friend, after his lifelong friend, Klaus, sadly passed away.

Find out more

Hannah Iredale

Hundreds rallied together to support Hannah throughout her cancer diagnosis and to fund new treatments.

Find out more

The Maddy Cusack Foundation

Thousands were raised in memory of Maddy Cusack, to create a charity that encourages young girls to play football.

Find out more

Why JustGiving?

Join 500,000+ people raising money for personal causes on JustGiving

  • No platform fee – keep more of what you raise!

  • Reach new donors on the world’s most trusted fundraising website

  • Withdraw what you’ve raised to your bank account*

  • Standard processing costs apply (2.9% + 25p per donation)

Read more about our fees


Start raising money now 

Raise money for your own personal cause, someone else, or a club, school, or communities.

Start crowdfunding