About Friends of Manorbrook
The Manorbrook Primary School parents, carers, friends and community are always brilliant at supporting Friends of Manorbrook with their events. This year we are asking for your help to raise money for the learning opportunities of the children at our school. Over the last few years we have funded lots of amazing items for the school including interactive whiteboards for all the classrooms, KS1 phonics books, a new football kit and wooden planters for growing vegetables.
Due to the ongoing Coronavirus restrictions we have been unable to hold all our usual Autumn term fundraising events including the film night, quiz, disco, Christmas pottery painting and our amazing Christmas Fair. Last year, by the end of the Autumn term, we had already raised over £3,000 for the school. If you would usually attend any of these events, please consider donating, any amount will be hugely appreciated by the school.
FOM would like to thank you all for your ongoing support of the school and helping us to continue to provide opportunities for our children. If you are eligible for gift aid please remember to tick the box.
Friends of Manorbrook Registered charity number 1052125