Both my loved ones left me within short space of time from one another. I lost my dad in November 2015 & my brother in August 2019 unexpected ( the night i can never forget)
A pain that I have to bear all my life, the shock of you leaving me - A heartache that will never go away. . If only i could have you both back,
Losing a love one is never so easy but when you lose another, it breaks you completely. Not a day goes by that i dont miss you both. -
I want to raise money in memory of my dad and brother helping those in need with providing food and water, as well as fund a well (if enough raised) so that those unfortunate can have clean water and food and are not left alone during this difficult time. 💜
Thank you - please donate generously!. Even as little as £5 pound will make a big difference to those who need it the most.
Please keep my dad and brother in your prayers (a daughter to a father and a little younger sister to a brother. May you all be rewarded for this great cause.