Evan's first Birthday
Fundraising for GiveDirectly
Fundraising for GiveDirectly
It's my first birthday on January 10th! We're in tier 5 right now and so unfortunately you can't come to celebrate with me and my parents, but I do have just one little ask of you :)
Purely by luck of being born in the UK I have all the key things I need, so I want to mark my special milestone by asking you to donate what you might have spent on travel or pressies to this fundraiser instead.
COVID-19 reminds us that now is the time to act to help others in crisis. The GiveDirectly charity is a proven and efficient way to materially improving child health and schooling through unconditional cash transfers.
Your donation enables better nutrition, clothing, health, for children so that they have a chance to escape the cycle of extreme poverty
(socially distant) hugs and kisses,
Ev xx
* Charities pay a small fee for our service. Find out how much it is and what we do for it.
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