Hi Everyone many many thanks for all your donations to this fantastic cause!
I’m giving up alcohol for January, for Cancer Research UK.
I'm not drinking in January in memory of 3 special friends Uncle Evan, Steve Hobby and Sue Lathan who lost the battle in 2012.
Hit donate or
You can donate by text just text SIAN49 and the amount in £ to 70070 it's easy and you can gift aid too!
I’m becoming a Dryathlete. All through January I’m not going to touch alcohol. Not a drop. So instead of buying me a drink, I’d like you to donate. Every pound helps Cancer Research UK bring forward the day when all cancers are cured. I’ll be donating my drinking money and if I happen to slip off the wagon, I’ll chuck in an extra £15 to make up for it. Cheers. The Dryathlete’s Oath I promise that I shall take part in Dryathlon™, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern it, committing myself to a month without alcohol, in the true spirit of do-gooding, for the glory of Dryathletes and the honour of Cancer Research UK.
Well it's day 2! I've just been out for a brisk 20 min walk round the block as I thought it was better than sitting on the sofa! Feeling good about not drinking so far!