I recorded a wacky video of me impersonating 60 singers/rappers to raise money to help the children of Syria:
Inside the war-torn country an estimated 3.1 million children need help.
More than 1 million children have fled the country and are now living in over-stretched refugee camps or villages. The number of registered refugees has increased 12-fold in the past year and overall refugee numbers topped 2 million in early September.
They're struggling to find shelter, food and clean water and without our help, they won't survive through the harsh blizzards sweeping the area.
I initially DID NOT want to record and upload the impressions video… I had the idea over a year ago and despite my closest friends constantly nagging me to do it, I just felt it was too silly and only a handful of the impressions are accurate anyway… but then I saw what was happening in Syria. I was brought to tears for the first time in 12 years when I saw the horrific images of what was happening there and it gave me the kick I needed to do something about it. Thanks to the internet, we are far more closely-connected to other human beings than our parents ever were. So I changed my mind and recorded this video on no sleep (not going to lie… in the end I had a BLAST recording it) and decided I would try and use it to raise some money to help the children of Syria. Just because the mainstream media spent most of the past week covering Jude Law, The Grammys, David Cameron’s face and Justin Bieber’s completely normal teenage antics, it doesn’t mean that children have suddenly stopped needing help in Syria (and everywhere else in the World). So, I hope you enjoy this wacky video of me in various costumes impersonating singers from my ever-so eclectic iPod… if it made you laugh (or cringe), I hope you’ll consider donating. If not, that’s completely cool too.