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Fundraising for NHS Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, UK raised £505 from 24 supporters
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Closed 08/10/2021
Iʼve raised £505 to purchase as many Zaky HUGS(aka Zaky Hands) as we can for the Neonatal department at NHS Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, London, UK
- London
- Funded on Friday, 8th October 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
We are parents who share a long relationship with Queen Charlotte's hospital, we recently contacted them to see if there was any current fundraising requirements and were told that the Neonatal Department is in current need of some weighted hands called Zaky HUG aka Zaky HAND, here is the link: https://thezaky.com/products/the-zaky-hug. The Zaky HUG is used to help position the babies and also to give the babies a sense of security that they are being held when their parents are unable to hold them. This item takes on the smell of the parents too, which really can help aid a baby's recovery. The Department's current stock is getting depleted and urgently needs replacing.
Unfortunately, due to the pandemic their budget is restricted to emergency items only. We thought we could just order these online and get the job done, however surprisingly there is no UK stockist. So, they have to be shipped from the manufacturer in the USA, who are "TheZaky.com". The Zaky Cares Program has offered to donate the shipping fees (shipping, customs, VAT and insurance) on behalf of Zachary if we meet our target.
We humbly request any donation, no matter how small, towards meeting this target. Please share. Thank you so very much!
4 years ago
Fundraising for NHS Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, UK
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
4 years ago
Fundraising for NHS Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, UK
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
4 years ago
Fundraising for NHS Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, UK
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Fundraising for NHS Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, UK started crowdfunding
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Aug 6, 2021
Keep up the great work
Jul 28, 2021
Jul 28, 2021
Deva M
Jul 27, 2021
A really good cause-wishing you all the best with your fundraising 😊💟Deva xx
Hisae Summerhayes
Jul 26, 2021
Great cause! My Twins was born 24w so Queen Charlotte Nicu/cosmic is our fundraising hospital too!I remember my Babies slept with The hand!
Masi ji
Jul 22, 2021
Great work Kuli. May you achieve all your goals for doing such a rewarding work in the very tough times. Our blessings go for you and those who are doing this with you.
Nicky Hartigan
Jul 21, 2021
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Fundraising for NHS Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, UK
We are fundraising to support the exceptional work at the Neonatal department, Queen Charlotte and Chelsea Hospital, London, England, UK.