We did it!
Ysgol Tanygrisiau raised £170 from 13 supporters
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Closed 06/03/2019
Iʼve raised £170 to help improve Ysgol Tanygrisiau IT equipment
- Funded on Wednesday, 6th March 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Mae'r byd addysg yn newid a datblygu o hyd. Elfen fawr o hyn yw offer cyfrifiadurol. Er mwyn rhoi'r cyfleon gorau i ddisgyblion mae'n rhaid cael yr offer gorau. Ein gobaith ni yw codi digon o arian er mwyn gwella adnoddau yr ysgol er mwyn datblygu'r disgyblion ar gyfer y dyfodol.
The world of education is constantly changing. A major factor in this is the need for up to date IT equipment. So that we are able to give the children the best opportunities to develop we need the best equipment possible. Our hope is to raise enough money so that we can improve our equipment and as a result prepare our children for the future.
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Ysgol Tanygrisiau started crowdfunding
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Kerensa and piran
Nov 11, 2018
Mandy and David Rowe
Nov 11, 2018
Best wishes in your fundraising venture for the I. T. equipment
Vio Buxton
Nov 9, 2018
Good luck!
Sally Dougherty
Nov 8, 2018
Aaron Cotterill
Nov 8, 2018
Pob lwc in reaching your target
Megan Ball
Nov 8, 2018
Pebble Network
Nov 8, 2018
Good luck! Happy to donate my IT expertise if you need assistance at the school to save bringing in an outside consultant anytime - Justin & Holly.
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