We did it!
Clair Yates raised £1,450 from 57 supporters
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Closed 15/09/2020
Iʼve raised £1,450 to Raise Funds for Bexley Women’s Aid
- Online
- Funded on Tuesday, 15th September 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
The Bexley Branch of the Women's Equality Party know that lockdown has been a difficult and worrying time for everyone – but particularly so for women and children living with abuse.
Women's Refuges have always been underfunded and austerity has cut their funding further, so that now under lockdown, when the need for them has risen, our help is more vital than ever. That's why Women's Equality Bexley are organising an Online Yogathon in aid of our local Bexley Women's Aid.
Our branch member Clair Yates is a yoga teacher, teaching yoga in the local community. On 20th June 2020, from 10 am to 11.15 am , she will be leading an Online Accessible Yogathon to raise money for Bexley Women's Aid.
You may have heard of a Yogathon before, most commonly they are events where yogis come together to practice sun salutes or similar sequences to raise funds for a good cause.
This Yogathon will be accessible, meaning you don't have to have any particular athletic ability to take part. Clair will be demonstrating various example sequences, including chair sun salutes. You could follow along with her, modify or use a sequence of your own.
Though we may be making different shapes, for an hour we will be moving and breathing together. You could choose to salute the sun, salute the moon, use chair variations, in fact, any variation of any yoga salute will be very much welcomed.
Following an hour of moving sequences, Clair will lead us through a balancing breath practice to set you up for the rest of your weekend.
The details are:
Day: Saturday 20th June 2020
Time: 10 – 11.15 am
Where: Take part online - please click on this link: RSVP for Yogathon , if you RSVP to join, a link for the event will be emailed to you during the week before the 20th.
- We are asking everyone who takes part to donate a minimum of £10 - if you don't have £10 you could ask someone to sponsor you.
- If you are able to give more, please do.
- If you are able to get sponsorship to raise more, please do.
Women and children living in fear of domestic abuse need our help. Many thanks for your support.
- 5 years ago
Clair Yates
5 years agoWe are 75% of the way towards our new target! Thanks so much for your support. I know this will make a huge difference to how Bexley Women's Aid are able to respond to and support women and children escaping domestic violence and abuse.
Share this update to help us raise more
- 5 years ago
Clair Yates
5 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Clair Yates started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Jul 8, 2020
Supporting Clair supporting women who need all our support.
Jun 26, 2020
Well done to all the Yogis who took part!
Jun 22, 2020
Hi ClairSorry I wasn't able to join the Yogathon but wanted to donate to such a good cause.Warmest wishesKaren
Jun 22, 2020
An amazing thing to do for a much needed cause 😊
Jun 21, 2020
Jun 21, 2020
Katie Wythe
Jun 21, 2020
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Clair Yates
Experienced Yoga teacher & Menopause Fit Coach. YAP Senior Yoga Teacher, BWY Foundation Course Tutor, Accessible Yoga Ambassador. Founding Member of Bexley Women's Equality Party, campaigning for an end to violence against women. www.crestyoga.com www.menopausefit.co.uk