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Zara Ahmed raised £12,293.88 from 734 supporters
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Closed 25/06/2020
Iʼve raised £12,293 to Raise money for the Yemen Crisis, With 'Muslim Hands': Save Lives Before its Too Late!
- UK
- Funded on Thursday, 25th June 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
As we all know, Yemen is facing a severe crisis. Children are dying, families are being starved and houses are being torn apart. The media seems to have this deliberate oversight on the issue at hand, and now we must take it into our own hands to raise money and save lives.
The money raised will be 100% donated to charity, which will in turn provide basic essentials, such as food, water, shelter and packages for those who are in desperate need of the things we often take for granted. Today I set a target quite high, but I hope we can find it in our hearts to aid Yemen, to aid our brothers and sisters. To give them a stable life. The world has failed them, and we must act now in order to not only unite as an Ummah, but as humans. We must drive change. Any amount, whether small or big wjll be massively appreciated & I can ensure you every penny will be given to charity. I leave you with this:
The Prophet, upon him be peace, said: “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.” (Al-Tirmidhi)
The Prophet, upon be peace, said: “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.” (Al-Tirmidhi)
5 years ago
Zara Ahmed
5 years agoThank you all for your continued love and support. The money is going to 'Muslim Hands' - A charity in aid of the Yemen Emergency! <3
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5 years ago
Zara Ahmed
5 years agoThank you so much for all your kindness and generosity! Love, Zara
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5 years ago
Zara Ahmed
5 years agoالسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته everyone So I’ve had this fundraiser open and I now think we’ve raised a fair bit. I cannot thank you all enough for your continued efforts, donations and shares. Donations as you know will contribute to the provision of a better life for Yemen, who need our support more than ever. If I could hug you all, I would! My greatest thanks, and I will remain grateful always. All my love, and thank you for being part of this journey, Zara ❤️
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Zara Ahmed started crowdfunding
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Jun 25, 2020
Jun 25, 2020
Soo-Jin Lee
Jun 24, 2020
Jun 24, 2020
Jun 24, 2020
Jun 23, 2020
Jun 23, 2020
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