We did it!
N&S raised £1,338.5 from 106 supporters
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Closed 01/09/2020
Iʼve raised £1,338 to YEMEN EMERGENCY FUND
- Funded on Tuesday, 1st September 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Assalamu alaykom brothers and sisters. May Allah have mercy on us all. This year has been a tough time for us all, many people around the world have lost loved ones due to COVID-19. We wanted to help remember them this Ramadan by donating money to help set up food parcels in Yemen for families on behalf of the souls we lost. Each food pack will help feed a family of 5 for one month, this pack also contains clean water!
'A humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding in Yemen, as millions flee their homes to escape a devastating conflict. The resulting cholera epidemic in Yemen has become the largest and fastest-spreading outbreak of the disease in modern history.'- MGR.
SubhanAllah, when we die we do not take anything from this dunya but our good and bad deeds to the grave. Therefore, we ask you to help those who died, in helping them gain rewards for them to be able to stand in front of Allah ﷻ on the Day of Judgement. We hope this Sadaqa will bring those who donate and share this, rewards from Allah ﷻ The Prophet ﷺ said “Charity does not decrease wealth”. May Allah ﷻ reward you and bless you with a beautiful Ramadan.
- 5 years ago
5 years agoSince we reached the target of £1k in under 11 days I've decided to increase it to £1125 for 15 families. Thank you to everyone who has donated!
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- 5 years ago
5 years agoThank you so much to everyone who has donated and shared this! May Allah bless you this Ramadan and Eid. £1k was fundraised in under a month subhanallah, I am so grateful for everyone that helped reach this target. May Allah help the people of Yemen and reward you for donating to this charity and sharing. Jazakallah Khair
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- 5 years ago
5 years agoSubhanallah! Im so grateful to everyone donating and sharing it! May Allah bless you all. Since I reached my initial target of £550, very quickly alhamdulilah, then my OTHER target of £750! I've decided to make the new target £1050 since this helps feed and provide clean water for 14 families!!! Any donation helps, even if its only £2 and dont forget it is Ramadan and you will get more rewards for Sadaqah!
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N&S started crowdfunding
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Jul 17, 2020
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May 22, 2020
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May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
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