We did it!
Worle Football Club raised £1,630 from 43 supporters
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Closed 18/09/2020
Iʼve raised £1,630 to Worle FC To Help Fund The Purchase Of A New Ride On Mower & Clubhouse Renovations
- Worle Recreation Ground Station Road Worle , BS226AN
- Funded on Friday, 18th September 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Worle Football Club were founded in the late 1800's now an FA Chartered community club are looking for your support in making a donation towards funding for a new ride mower , also to finish the clubhouse revamping and to put in a new walkway from the clubhouse to the pitch.
Worle Football Club run 2 teams in the Somerset Senior Premier and the Weston & District league Division 1 and also a junior section .
We have already started the clubhouse revamp to make it a better matchday experience and are looking at supporters , current and past players who wish to help out , If you know anyone who is willing to help also please share this page and every £ raised goes directly into improving the facilities at Worle recreation ground .
The pitch at present is still being cut but with a push mower hence the need for a ride on mower so as more time is dedicated to improving the playing surface.
At present we have relied on the generosity of many but because of the early finish to the season due to the Covid19 virus we missed out on vital funds that we raise from our bar and kitchen and players match fees.
The works needed will be still be carried out by our volunteers and if anyone would like to help out and view the upgrades to our facilities they are more than welcome and we hope that these improvements will benefit everyone who uses the football club both boys and girls and the ladies and mens adult teams.
Worle Football Club would like to thank you for taking the time to view our funding page and for your donation
We look forward to welcoming you to our clubhouse on matchdays in the not too distant future.
5 years ago
Worle Football Club
5 years agoA Great donation last night at now brings our total up to £1680 , a brilliant effort and every donation goes directly into improving the facilities and pitches at Worle Recreation ground. Please keep sharing and donating please Many thanks Stefan for your great donation , it is much appreciated by everyone involved at Worle Football Club
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5 years ago
Worle Football Club
5 years agoLets keep pushing this target closer everyone, With no football there's no revenue coming in from match fees , teas and coffees etc this is why we need your help. 61% of our target raised already so please keep sharing and donating so we can complete all of our renovations on the clubhouse.
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5 years ago
Worle Football Club
5 years agoDaily Update We have now reached 61% of our total target so lets get this page shared and donations coming in as we are nearly there and in these times all clubs need the revenue to complete the renovations planned. You can donate as little as £10 . Please share and donate as all monies coming in are spent on the improvements at the recreation ground.
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Worle Football Club started crowdfunding
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Stefan Clarke
Jun 29, 2020
Happy to support our local ground
Jess Allen
Jun 19, 2020
Thank you for everything you do for the club. Keep up the great work :)
James Parsons
Jun 16, 2020
Jun 6, 2020
Jun 5, 2020
1st teams fines
Jun 3, 2020
Bill & Paula
Jun 1, 2020
So dedicated well done Gary
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