We did it!
Jason Lafferty raised £11,541.1 from 837 supporters
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Closed 19/09/2017
Iʼve raised £11,541 to help ease the Financial burden on Lee's young family
- Funded on Tuesday, 19th September 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
After the loss of a loved one there is not only just mourning, but financial grief and hardship that goes along with it. Expenses that have to be paid for services in a situation like this. To have to carry a burden like this is something that some of us cannot imagine.
As a community and the Wookie team we have decided it would be the greatest gesture to help alleviate this kind of burden from the family.
The family of the man who was taken suddenly from us. The man who has touched the hearts and many lives in this community. The man behind who we've all come to know as the face of The Wookie. One who we shall never forget.
With this being said we are asking that if anybody can contribute whatever they feel comfortable in their hearts, we would greatly appreciate it and so would the family of our beloved brother as it would help them out immensely.
- 8 years ago
Jason Lafferty
8 years agoWow, what can I say? To say we are all blown away by not only the amazing amount reached so far but all the love for Lee shown in the comments. We have now changed the target to 10k which to be fair is beyond our wildest dreams when setting this up. Please don't feel pressured into donating more than you are comfortable with due to some of the high Donations already made. A one pound donation means equally as much as the ones at one hundred pounds and over. On behalf of everyone at TeamWookie Hq we thank you all from the bottom of our heart
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- 8 years ago
Jason Lafferty
8 years agoHi everyone. Can I firstly say thank you for all the donations already recieved. We have now raised the target to £5000, not out of greed, but rather folk see the target has been reached so think twice of donating. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts 💕
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Jason Lafferty started crowdfunding
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Stephen Duff
Sep 19, 2017
Sorry it can't be more but wanted to give something for Lee and all the Wookies help.
David Fry
Sep 19, 2017
Top top bloke who is sorely missed. Hope my little contribution helps his young family at this sad time. Keeping on BOOMING Lee mate
Sep 19, 2017
Rest In Peace Lee, gutted to see a young man in his Prime taken away so early.
Viking Metal
Sep 19, 2017
My sincere condolences to the young family.
Wendy Tubbritt
Sep 18, 2017
James Montgomery
Sep 18, 2017
God bless.
Jordan Epstein
Sep 18, 2017
Thanks for all your help to this community, Jason. I am hoping my contribution can help your family in this difficult time.
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