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sarah kitchen raised £12,485 from 250 supporters
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Closed 11/09/2021
Iʼve raised £12,485 to create a safe haven for 13 year old William Riddler while he fights his battle with cancer.
- Ripon
- Funded on Saturday, 11th September 2021
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We are raising funds to help 13 year old William and his family create a outdoor area to enjoy with his friends while he is having treatment for stage 4 metastatic alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, a very rare and aggressive type of cancer.
William was diagnosed in March after a lump was discovered on his calf and investigations found it had spread to his eye bones, pelvis, spine, thighs, knee, ribs and sternum and possibly other areas of his body. He is receiving four different types of chemotherapy at Leeds General Infirmary and we are praying he will be in the small percentage of patients that fight this nasty disease.
William is unable to see his family and friends indoors due to infection risks, so his family have started transforming the front garden into a paved area with intentions of getting a wooden shelter, hot tub and television so he is able to enjoy company on his good days. The family were trying to do this themselves with the help of friends and a local raffle - however William has now been found to have blood clots in his heart and lungs and time is now of the essence.
Mum Louise Riddler has always been one of the first people to help other families and has worked as a child minder for 18 years, particularly helping families with special needs, and also as a foster parent to vulnerable children. It is not in her nature to ask for help, but she has had to give up work and spends a lot of time in the hospital. Dad James is also a local resident well known and liked by many, and would not hesitate to offer his help if needed. This family has given a lot to others, and we would really like to give something back in order to obtain the garden William really wants.
Please give as much as you can spare, all donations welcome and appreciated.
- 3 years ago
sarah kitchen
3 years agoThank you so much for all the support - here’s an update from the family xxxx
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- 4 years ago
sarah kitchen
4 years agoWills hot tub has arrived and he absolutely loves it - he’s shattered but still going to have a little dip - thank you so much everyone for making this happen xxxx
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- 4 years ago
sarah kitchen
4 years agoLook at the little lad smiling through everything - we are so proud of you William and your spirit. He started his chemo again yesterday and is doing very well - due to finish tomorrow night - keep smiling Will we are all behind you xxxx
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sarah kitchen started crowdfunding
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Jul 30, 2021
Jul 18, 2021
Jun 29, 2021
Keep on fighting champ, amazing boy. Enjoy your lovely garden 💙
Jun 17, 2021
My son James was diagnosed with the same. Money we raised has gone to Sarcoma Uk.And to help more brave little soldiers like you.James would be proud William to see your happy smile in the tub.
Jun 17, 2021
Shareon kelly
Jun 16, 2021
Jun 16, 2021
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