We did it!
Will Rhucroft raised £130 from 11 supporters
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Closed 24/10/2018
Iʼve raised £130 to help the Children’s Ward at James Cook Hospital continue to give loving care to all the children they look after.
- Funded on Wednesday, 24th October 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
The reason we have chosen the Childrens Ward at Captain James Cooks Hospital is that the daughter of Jonathan Coulter, Annie, who had an extreme asthma attack was admitted into this ward. The love and care she recieved by the Nurses and Doctors on the childrens Ward was second to none and without them things could have been very different. Jonathan is taking part in the event so hopefully will be able to give something back to these special people to help them continue to care for our children.
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Will Rhucroft started crowdfunding
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Emma-Bliss Harding
Jul 12, 2018
Well done Will xxx
Jul 11, 2018
Jonathan Coulter
Jul 11, 2018
Danna McINtyre
Jul 6, 2018
Good luck tomorrow Guys. Great cause. Danna & Elaine Aberdeen x
Joanne Stott
Jul 3, 2018
Good luck guys, your making us very proud love jo and penny Whiles xxxx
Ian Williams
Jul 2, 2018
Good luck Will, here's £5 each from Kerrie and I, hoping to win the gin!
David Mcmanus
Jul 2, 2018
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