We did it!
Constance Morris raised £18,660.08 from 274 supporters
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Closed 27/12/2023
Iʼve raised £18,660 to help fund Marc’s electric wheelchair before the end of 2023.
- Craven Arms
- Funded on Wednesday, 27th December 2023
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Marc’s journey back to freedom.
We’re raising £18,109 to fund the purchase of an outdoor wheelchair which will give back to Marc the freedom and independence that the stroke took away.
On 6th September 2022, Marc’s life changed forever. Whilst working from home he suffered a stroke and was taken to the local hospital. By 10th September Marc’s condition deteriotated as his brain began to swell, pushing the brainstem out of the bottom of his skull. He was rushed to Stoke Hospital to undergo a life saving craniectomy, the right side of his skull was removed. He was not expected to survive the surgery but it was performed anyway to give him a chance; without it he certainly wouldn’t be here today. Miracle 1: he survived the procedure and was moved to the intensive care unit. The surgeon met with us as a family, in the ‘bad news family room’ while we waited to hear the outcome of the surgery. How long it took Marc to come round from the op would indicate if it had been a success. The surgeon didn’t look hopeful. We were allowed to see Marc and hold his hand. After two hours, which felt like 2 weeks, he began to stir. Miracle 2: He surived. The following day he went to the subacute unit, very poorly with a chest infection but able to sustain his own breathing. The full extent of the difficulties became apparent. He had no use of his left side at all, no movement or feeling in his arm, leg, body or face. He couldn’t swallow and struggled to speak. He was clinging to life. His condition improved over the next week and he went to the stroke unit into a two bedded bay. Everyone who was in the bed opposite him died within a few days of being there; they still didn’t expect Marc to live. Miracle 3: he improved. 7 months later after a huge amount of rehabilitation he returned home.
He still needed carers to help with all his daily living activities and was exhausted and depressed but home at last. 6 months on he has continued to improve physically although he having to come to terms with a huge amount of loss. This man that never sat still and loved the outdoors either cycling, walking or mending vehicles felt inprisoned in his own house. Suicidal thoughts plagued him especially at night when pain prevented him from sleeping.
Whilst he had mastered the one hand drive wheelchair around the house it was very difficult for him to tolerate going out in it. The vibration from uneven surfaces jolted his brain causing headaches, nausea and uncontrolable jerking in his left leg. It became obvious the imprisonment would last longer than he could face.
June 2023 he had reconstructive surgery, replacing the huge piece of skull which the surgeons had removed to save his life. It was traumatic, and not without complications, but after 6 weeks he was begining to regain his strength.
Now was the time to give him something to make life worth living. Enter the Magic X8 extreme off-road wheelchair or as we have nicknamed it, ‘the beast from the east’ (it’s made in Germany but was originally designed and manufacted in Austrialia -and I can tell you these guys know a thing or two about off-road wheelchairs). We had stumbled on the one thing that could give Marc his freedom back! The only draw back, the price and the vehicle needed to transport it.
The basic chair is £13,500 however Marc needs a few extras which unfortunately bump up the price:
- A tilt mechanism on the seat, so that he doesn’t fall forward out of the wheelchair when going downhill.
-A riser mechanism for the seat, so that when in crowded places he doesn’t feel vulnerable to shoulder bag attack.
-Attendant controls on the back of the chair, so that on tricky uneven surfaces it is easy for someone to help.
The price then comes to £18,109. A huge amount for a wheelchair but a small amount for freedom and the lifting of depression.
We would like to order it now with the hope it will be here by christmas.
We are not expecting to raise the full amount for the chair but will be so grateful for even the smallest amount towards it.
We (Jayne, Connie, Charlotte and Georgie) would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has already helped us, prayed for us and to those who would like to donate.
P.S. Check out the Beast from the East here: Extreme X8 Wheelchair
- 1 year ago
Constance Morris
1 year agoWe, The Morris Clan, want to say the biggest thank you to everyone who has supported raising money for Marc’s new chair, we couldn’t give Marc this gift of freedom without you. This has been the most incredible journey for us and we’re bowled over by the kindness and generosity of everyone. The Beast from the East is arriving at the end of December and Marc can not wait to get back out in the countryside again. Words alone don’t cover our gratitude for all of your support. So we’ll simply say: Thank you for giving Marc his life back.
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- 1 year ago
Constance Morris
1 year agoA huge thank you to everyone who has donated so far. We’re overwhelmed by your kindness and can’t find the right words to express our gratitude!
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Constance Morris started crowdfunding
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Maria (pocket rocket)
Dec 17, 2023
Sorry its not much. Wishing this beautiful family a very happy christmas and 2024. Sending lots of love to you all god bless and hope Marc enjoys his new mean machine xxx
Forever Loving Care Limited
Nov 10, 2023
Money raised from out virtual cycle/walk.This has now got you to you target!Can't wait to see you in your new wheels.Thanks to the team at FLC! ❤️
Hundred House, Purslow
Nov 9, 2023
Another step closer guys!! Our quiz at Hundred House, Purslow was very well supported and we raised £217.91!! x Huge thanks to Sophie Davies for putting us in touch with you and letting us help!
Nov 9, 2023
Nov 8, 2023
Nov 4, 2023
What an amazing group of friends you have to have raised so much. So much goodwill and positivity and effort. it keeps going up…
Premieredge Solutions
Oct 30, 2023
A late donation from Ross’ challenge from the Premieredge Team! All the best to you all, a truly great cause.
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