We did it!
Paul Tapper raised £675 from 31 supporters
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Closed 21/05/2021
Iʼve raised £675 to Weymouth FCs Youth Section are tracking their exercise to Race to the Euros to raise money for the Three Ells Trust and local causes.
- Funded on Friday, 21st May 2021
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Lockdown 3.0 and Covid 19 has had a far reaching negative effect on everyone but especially the young minds of our players. So we at Weymouth FCs Youth Section, thought how we could help keep our players bodies and minds active and healthy whilst helping others in need
Following in the footsteps of our Womens team we created a Race to the Euros in the spirit of football, as football is what we love and miss.
We have mapped a route from London to visit every qualifying country in the Euro 2020/21 competition and end up back at Wembley, the home of English football.
Our players, staff, managers, parents, carers, brothers, sisters etc will be walking, running, cycling, recording their daily steps and submitting them to be recorded as two totals. A team total and a club total. The club total will count towards our journey on the European map in a race to get around and be back in London. The team total will be recorded as the team with the largest distance travelled will receive a prize from the club.
This is no easy task! We have over 21,000 km to cover but with a combined effort we are sure we can do it.
We are fundraising for more than one cause. One half of the monies raised will be donated to The Three Ells Trust. A childrens cancer charity that works closely with our local hospitals childrens ward and helped a brave young man called Kyle who was a Weymouth FC fan, a football fan and local youth player and genuinely a lovely lad and a huge loss.
The other half will be divided between local causes such as donating to local food banks and local people in our community who are struggling as an effect of the pandemic.
If you can please donate to help support our young players from 7-17years and their family, to raise money by keeping fit and active. Every little counts - we know lots of people are struggling financially so from the bottom of our hearts we thank you. Please share and help spread the word of our efforts.
We are a football family, together we will achieve.
4 years ago
Paul Tapper
4 years agoIt’s been a very cold weekend 🥶 not that it’s deterred our Junior Terras from completing distances! So far we have been to Cardiff, Glasgow, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Russia, Turkey, Macedonia and Ukraine we have covered an amazing 7,063km. We are now on our way to Warsaw, Poland! The dedication of our players and their families has been amazing - we are proud of each and every one of you! Well done everyone! #terrasfamily
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4 years ago
Paul Tapper
4 years agoWe have visited Wales, Scotland, Copenhagen, Stockholm and now we are nearly at Helsinki, Finland! We are so proud of the Junior Terras and their families - lots of the players are getting on board walking, running and cycling! Thank you for your support - if you can please share
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4 years ago
Paul Tapper
4 years agoWe have travelled an amazing 813km (505 miles) in the last 24 hours alone - we are just 200km short of arriving in Copenhagen! 🥳 An amazing effort from our junior terras and their families - so proud! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far - please keep sharing we would love to get to that target! #terrasfamily #givebacktothecommunity
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Paul Tapper started crowdfunding
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Russell /Sherry household
Apr 24, 2021
Well done everyone!
The Coombs Family
Apr 24, 2021
Well done Team Terras!!! 👏
Michael and Annette Coombs
Mar 26, 2021
Come on you Terras!!
Mar 16, 2021
Grumpy Grandad x
Feb 19, 2021
Good Luck
Sarah Woods
Feb 18, 2021
Good luck
Feb 18, 2021
Well done all Weymouth Youth teams, especially to the u10 boys for your massive distances and a shout out to the u13s. Hope you smash your target, Steve and Ricky
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