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Expel Ken Corbyn Out raised £3,196 from 90 supporters
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Closed 10/05/2017
Iʼve raised £3,196 to Fly a banner over Wembley for the Arsenal v City cup semi saying: Expel Ken #CorbynOut
- London, United Kingdom
- Funded on Wednesday, 10th May 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
We're raising money to fly a plane over Wembley on April 23 at the Arsenal v Man City FA Cup semi-final with the message: Expel Ken #CorbynOut
Whether you're supporting Arsenal or City that day, or Chelsea or Spurs the day before, or any other club, whether you're Jewish or not, this is a message that all genuine anti-racists can get behind.
You can be a part of it: donate now!
The Labour Party has no future under Jeremy Corbyn. That's tragic for Labour and leaves the country without a proper opposition.
Ken Livingstone has spent years going out of his way to pick fights with Jews. Banging on about Hitler “supporting Zionism” is not “criticism of Israel”. It is a lie, and an attempt to humiliate Jews by associating them with Hitler. Yet he remains a Labour member.
Under Corbyn, Labour’s persistent tolerance of Livingstone is a symptom of a wider problem. Corbyn is a friend of dictators and terrorists. He’s met Assad and he opposed action against his chemical weapons; he has history with Assad’s backers, Iran, Russia and Hezbollah.
Corbyn likes to say he's an Arsenal fan. Earlier this year, Arsenal fans flew planes with rival WengerOut and Respect AW messages. WengerOut is now a global meme seen randomly at demos and events worldwide. But Corbyn is no Wenger.
Even if you think it's time for Arsene to bow out, the guy's won 2 doubles and pulled off an unbeaten title triumph, albeit a long time ago. Under Corbyn, Labour have never been out of the relegation zone and are heading for the drop.
Enough is enough. He needs to go. #CorbynOut.
Say No to Racism. At the Arsenal v City semi-final let's spell it out high above the Wembley sky to a global television audience: Expel Ken #CorbynOut
* If the event is cancelled due to issues beyond the control of organisers or pilot, such as weather, safety and relevant permissions, you will be refunded
8 years ago
Expel Ken Corbyn Out
8 years agoToday's the day! Big thanks to everyone who's donated and especially our pilot from Airads for his flexibility on price and payment. It's not too late to donate, so if you haven't, do it now! We have come together to show that we have no time for Livingstone's cynical distortions and will treat them, and those who tolerate them with all the respect they deserve. If you see the plane, whether inside the ground or outside, don't forget to get a pic and share it!
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8 years ago
Expel Ken Corbyn Out
8 years agoIf only some of those objecting in the FB comments were even a fraction as offended by antisemitism as they are by our objection to it. Par for the course, unfortunately. Meanwhile, our pilot continues to negotiate for the necessary permission with the relevant authorities. IF WE DON'T GET PERMISSION, YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK! It's that simple. We're halfway there. Please email friends, family and anyone who you think might like to donate and let's get this off the ground!
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8 years ago
Expel Ken Corbyn Out
8 years agoComrades - as I write we are up to a highly symbolic £1886. Our pilot is negotiating with the Civil Aviation Authority over some new complexities in EU regulations coming into effect on April 21. Watch this space. Thanks to everyone who has donated so far, large and small. If commenting, please do keep comments in good taste. The Expel Ken Plane is a strict anti-racist campaign and comments deemed out of step with that will be deleted.
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Apr 22, 2017
Jono, you are a good man!
Apr 21, 2017
I've had enough of cardboard cutout Corbyn and Ken the gimp in a man mask... this may not get rid but can't do more harm than them! Fly the banner...
Apr 21, 2017
Racism isn't kosher
Apr 21, 2017
Apr 20, 2017
Couldn't agree more. And yes, stop decontextualising the Haavara Agreement! do we need another plane?
Apr 19, 2017
Good luck!
Jonny Newman
Apr 19, 2017
Ken out and 2-0 Arsenal will be a perfect day... sadly I don't think either will happen.
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