We did it!
Stephen Loxton raised £4,073 from 42 supporters
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Closed 06/08/2020
Iʼve raised £4,073 to Help support Wells City Football Club during these difficult times
- Rowdens road, Wells, Somerset
- Funded on Thursday, 6th August 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Wells City football club is an FA Community Standard Club one of the highest accolades that can be awarded to a grass roots football club. It has been at the heart of the local community for Wells and the surrounding areas for over 130 years.
The club has men's teams in the Toolstation Western, Uhlsport Somerset County and The Mid somerset leagues, the club also runs an envious youth/junior section starting with its Soccer school U6's, with every age group represented accumulating with our U18's who play in the the Somerset U18 floodlight league.
In these very uncertain times the next few weeks, months will be challenging for all, and Wells City Fc is no different to any other. The Club survives on the turnover generated from match days, private functions and local authority meetings. As none of these are now possible the club finds itself without any income and mounting financial difficulties.
We are asking for anyone associated with Wells City past or present or within the wider community to help the club if at all possible, and support your local grass roots football club.
We at Wells City football club appreciate this is a difficult time for all, any donations will be gratefully received.
- 5 years ago
Stephen Loxton
5 years agoThis is just amazing, 5 days and we are half way there... tha is to all who have donated so far, your support in these difficult times is crucial and greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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Stephen Loxton started crowdfunding
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Andy Vallis
Jun 26, 2020
Best wishes.
Martin & Jan Lock
Apr 29, 2020
Happy to support Wells City FC.
Apr 22, 2020
U16 and U12
Apr 19, 2020
Dave and Charmaine
Apr 18, 2020
U16's Good luck with the fundraising, we would hate to lose the club
Apr 16, 2020
"Wells City La La La"
Apr 16, 2020
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