We did it!
Steven Benson raised £5,620 from 25 supporters
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Closed 22/07/2021
Iʼve raised £5,620 to Supporting Workington Rugby, Cricket & Golf club junior sections to provide opportunities for young people to have fun and develop skills
- Workington
- Funded on Thursday, 22nd July 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Three main aims:
1. Raise funds to support young people be happy, healthy, and to develop skills
2. Connect the community with positive acts of kindness #bemorenigel #unitingthemovement #wellfullness
3. Promote wellfullness - supporting people to be happy, healthy (mentally and physically), and active
The past year has been challenging for everyone, not least for children and young people. In particular there have been limited opportunities to have fun, socialise, and to be active with friends.
As most of you are aware the year was made even harder with the loss of Nigel Alderson, a much liked, loved, and respected member of the local community. We would like to invoke the memory of Nigel in aid of three places where he spent a lot of time, raising funds to support them in providing opportunities to nurture more Nigels - developing young people who are happy, healthy, active, and who care about other people, and their local community.
We hope that whether or not you're able to support financially, that you will be able to support in the form of continuing Nigel's legacy of positivity, and helping others - maybe even sharing good deeds or positivity by using the hashtag #bemorenigel - let's claim the hashtag, and show the world what a positive place West Cumbria is...
If you need a little more incentive to donate, Steve will also be undertaking some 'sponsored' activity, including 60 active minutes outdoors each day (indefinitely, with various formats), 2 x coast to coasts (walk and cycle), a 200 mile day cycle, and other featured activities along the way. Updates will be posted via social media, and at www.wellfullness.org. We're also really open to working in partnership with other organisations, so keep the suggestions coming... Format and logistics will be dependant on the latest guidance and advice, and we'll keep the pages and social media updated to chart progress.
For those wishing to contribute to larger or non-local causes (who knows, Jameaters may be interested - they're not that bad really eh ;) ), Steve is also using his extended national network to highlight the importance of mental wellbeing, and provide opportunities for more young people to have fun and be active, through MIND and the Youth Sport Trust - https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/wellfullness-2.
Please do give us a call if you'd like to support, or just want a chat 07828 174344.
Stay well
Norah & Steve
Updates appear here
Steven Benson started crowdfunding
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Bob & Margaret
May 28, 2021
Well done Steven for doing such a good job. We are so proud of you x
Galloping Horse
Apr 16, 2021
What a great cause, Nigel will be so proud.
Apr 10, 2021
Keep up the good work pal.
Ken & Heather
Apr 5, 2021
Thanks Steven
Apr 4, 2021
Jeff & Sue Canfield
Apr 2, 2021
A worthy cause in honour of a great lad,sadly missed.
Apr 2, 2021
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
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