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Emily Mazo-Rizzi raised £6,380 from 89 supporters
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Closed 14/05/2018
Iʼve raised £6,380 to Financially Support Siobhan during her Cancer Treatment
- London, United Kingdom
- Funded on Monday, 14th May 2018
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Siobhan the Braveheart
My friend is a survivor, a powerful woman with the deepest heart who has unfortunately been plagued by serious medical issues in her adult life. Siobhan is an extremely caring person who has dedicated her life to helping others feel better, stronger, healthier and more at one with their being through her expert teaching of Pilates. Siobhan is creative, intelligent and has a fabulous sense of humor, we are always laughing. Ask her about her ideas for a line of Breast Cancer Humor t-shirts….
Siobhan has Cancer
5 years ago when Siobhan was 38 she diagnosed with breast cancer. After a successful lumpectomy and radiation treatment the cancer was gone! Well, that’s what we thought. 5 years later at 43 Siobhan found a lump, it was cancer. She had single mastectomy for Christmas this year but unfortunately the cancer has spread to her lymph nodes. She is now charted for 4-5 months of Chemotherapy treatment.
Pilates Connection
My name is Emily. Siobhan and I met in 2009 in Boulder, Colorado when we trained to become Pilates Instructors. Siobhan was already a talented Pilates instructor going in for a second round of training at our amazing school. We became fast friends. We taught each other and studied together when Siobhan was in town from London. My husband and I often hosted Siobhan at our home that year in Boulder. Since I live in Paris and Siobhan lives in London we have been able to visit each other often over the years and are dear, close friends.
Why Siobhan Needs our Help Now?
In 2016 Siobhan closed her successful London home Pilates studio to make a life and work transition to Dubai to live with her now ex-boyfriend and start a new life. Unfortunately the move was not what Siobhan had hoped for and in a nightmarish turn of events she discovered the new lump in her breast while preparing her return to London and the re-opening of her studio. In parallel Siobhan was informed by her landlord that he was selling her flat. Our dear Siobhan found herself without a place to live or teach, without a partner and with cancer. Honestly universe, what the @#*! are you thinking?
Why Did I Start this Campaign?
In a painfully ironic coincidence when Siobhan discovered the cancer in 2012 I was pregnant with my first daughter. Here I am at the beginning of 2018 about to give birth (as I write) to my second daughter. Me and my giant belly, Siobhan and her lumps, at the same time. Friends have rallied to Siobhan’s side in London. Siobhan’s sister came from Canada to help Siobhan for her surgery and recovery. A lovely couple is going to be hosting her in their home during her treatment. Friends gathered to help pack and move Siobhan out of her flat. I have been stuck in Paris with my growing belly unable to help in person and deeply concerned about how Siobhan is going to make it through this situation financially.
Why Does Siobhan Needs Our Financial Support?
Fortunately Siobhan is a UK National and is benefiting from the medical care of the NHS but it will be impossible for her to work as a Pilates instructor during the treatments. Our trade requires physical strength, emotional stability and a capacity to be wholly present for the people we teach. Siobhan needs all of her resources to reestablish her health and well-being before once again using her talents to help others.
What Does She Need the Money For?
As I mentioned she is currently being hosted, generously as a guest in her friends’ home, but Siobhan would like to contribute to the household expenses and quite simply be able to by her own food. What else does a Cancer Patient need?
• Uber / Taxi trips to hospital for treatment and medical appointments;
• Food and toiletries;
• Subsidized therapies (massage, reflexology, yoga, etc.) offered at hospital for cancer patients;
• Vitamins and Supplements;
• Wigs, scarves and hats;
• Medicines for side effects;
• Dentist;
• Care for her cat Ninja: Cat food, litter, vet visit;
• A bit of fun money to go out and take her mind off things from time to time!
The Goal is 6000 £
In order to help Siobhan live without financial stress during these months of treatment and transitioning out of treatment mode we would like to raise this amount which corresponds to Siobhan’s estimated budget. Please participate what you can financially to help Siobhan through this challenging time. Every single penny will help!
Please note the JustGiving platform takes a 5% commission on what we raise here.
7 years ago
Emily Mazo-Rizzi
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
7 years ago
Emily Mazo-Rizzi
7 years agoToday was a huge day for Siobhan, first day of Chemo. Please join me sending her thoughts of love, courage and a fighting spirit. Cue the Rocky music! By the way, can you believe we have already raised 86% of our goal to support Siobhan through her treatment?! Incredible! Let's meet the goal!
Share this update to help us raise more
7 years ago
Emily Mazo-Rizzi
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Emily Mazo-Rizzi started crowdfunding
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Katie Bowes
May 6, 2018
Sending you much strength and love
sarah jane fenton
Mar 27, 2018
Thinking of you, Siobhan xx
Denise Wilkinson
Mar 8, 2018
Sending you courage, strength and determination, with laughs and happy thoughts......it’s a tough path you’re having to walk but go kick its ass!!!
Sarah Parkinson
Mar 6, 2018
Hi Emily,I don’t know Siobhan but I am very touched by her plight and by you as a brilliant friend standing close by and supporting her. I’m sure you will reach your target and beyond!
Chris Sloan
Feb 24, 2018
I’m sorry I’m coming to the party later than I wanted - sending you my very best wishes, Siobhan!
Pascale Aebischer
Feb 22, 2018
Sending you love and strength Siobhan xx
Sara Honey
Feb 22, 2018
Wishing you well, Siobhan! xxx
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![Emily Mazo-Rizzi](https://images.justgiving.com/image/d9e3d1f1-7ac1-41c9-ae9e-199e01b6a3f2.jpg?template=CrowdfundingOwnerAvatar)
Emily Mazo-Rizzi
London, United Kingdom
Siobhan and I met in 2009 in Boulder, Colorado when we trained to become Pilates Instructors and have been dear friends ever since. I have put together this page so that Siobhan's community of family and friends can support her as she goes through her cancer treatment.