We did it!
Warstones Primary School raised £2,504 from 145 supporters
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Closed 18/08/2021
Iʼve raised £2,504 to help us to refill our vandalised playground sandpit and surrounding damaged equipment.
- Funded on Wednesday, 18th August 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
On our return to school we discovered that during the holidays, we had intruders on the site who had broken glass and relieved themselves into our large class sized sandpit on our Early Years playground. We were devastated as it is a much loved part of our Early Years play provision and may be the only opportunity some children have to play in the sand this year, after already missing out on so much during lockdown.
At Warstones, one of our core values is community, and the overwhelming level of support we have had from our school community has been fantastic. Offers of help to clear and refill the sandpit have been gratefully received as this is a huge endeavour and the sharing of our post our Facebook has helped to inform our community of the issue of vandalism on school grounds.
We now ask for more of your wonderful support, in helping us to fund the refilling of the sandpit and replace the equipment that was vandalised. This will cost hundreds of pounds which we simply haven’t budgeted for.
Any contribution is so appreciated. We would love to see the sandpit back in action for the Summer term!
Thank you for your support.
Warstones Primary School.
- 4 years ago
Warstones Primary School
4 years agoWe are overwhelmed by your generosity! What fantastic community spirit! We have increased the target as unfortunately, some of the play equipment was also damaged so your generous donations will go towards replacing these. Thank you so much, we can't wait to get started on refilling it!
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Warstones Primary School started crowdfunding
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May 10, 2021
Let's keep supporting the our children
Granny Val
May 6, 2021
Keep up the good work x
Smestow School
May 4, 2021
Following our Cake Sale Fundraiser, we send this donation with the warmest of wishes. Regards from everyone at Smestow School.
Jan evans
May 1, 2021
Ffion & Erica
Apr 27, 2021
We donated our pocket money because our school have done so much for us and our community.
Jackie Lloyd
Apr 27, 2021
Great response to an awful situation. Just a little bit to help here
Kal & Raj Kandola (Amelia's parents)
Apr 26, 2021
Sorry to hear of such reckless vandalism, great community response 😊
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