We did it!
Walk The Island - Portsmouth Fundraising Community raised £9,722 from 344 supporters
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Closed 04/07/2023
Iʼve raised £9,722 to fund the purchasing of sports-adapted wheelchairs for disabled basketball players and to support the building of a community media room
- Portsmouth
- Funded on Tuesday, 4th July 2023
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Walk The Island - Portsmouth Fundraising Community.
On Saturday 1st July, approximately 100 fundraisers - all with connections to the city of Portsmouth, will be walking close to 13 miles around Portsea Island to raise money and awareness for two fantastic local charities.
The two Portsmouth charities that we are raising money for in 2023 are ENABLE ABILITY and SPARK.
ENABLE ABILITY is an established, registered charity that supports children, young people and adults with mild, moderate and severe disabilities living in Portsmouth and South East Hampshire. The money raised through the Walk The Island event will fund new sports-adapted wheelchairs for their inclusive wheelchair basketball service enabling young people aged 6+ with physical/mild-moderate learning disabilities to be active, socialise and partake in some friendly competition. It costs approx £2,000 to purchase a new specialist wheelchair and our aim to is purchase up to 10 of these and help promote new players to the sport. This can be achieved by giving further support to Enable Ability and helping them provide additional sessions during school holidays.
Enable Ability website here.... www.enableability.org.uk
SPARK COMMUNITY SPACE is a local charity working to reach those who have been left out or left behind, giving people a place to belong, be part of a community of support, to heal together and to spark back into life. They welcome anyone who feels that they have been pushed aside or overlooked by society for various reasons, this could be because of long term illness, redundancy, a lack of skills or qualifications or perhaps because of a disability. Spark have a new community Space in Fratton Way which provides friendship and informal support. They are looking to put in place a Media Room within their Community Space and we have taken the challenge to support this specific project. It’s estimated that this will cost a minimum of £5,000.
Spark website here.... www.sparkcommunityspace.co.uk
- 2 years ago
Walk The Island - Portsmouth Fundraising Community
2 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 2 years ago
Walk The Island - Portsmouth Fundraising Community
2 years agoThanks to the continued amazing generosity of the PPP (Predominantly Pompey Public) we have now reached the milestone of £5000.00. THANK YOU to everyone of you. Please keep sharing and lets see if we can another couple of grand before the weekend.
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- 2 years ago
Walk The Island - Portsmouth Fundraising Community
2 years agoA big thank you to some more of the Portsmouth businesses who are sponsoring Walk The Island 2023. We now have just ten days to go.
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Walk The Island - Portsmouth Fundraising Community started crowdfunding
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Kev Manson
Jul 4, 2023
Great cause
Martin Cowell
Jul 4, 2023
Kaye and Mike
Jul 4, 2023
Well done Ty and Jez.
Linda Gowing
Jul 4, 2023
Jul 3, 2023
Duane and Jenny
Jul 3, 2023
Jul 3, 2023
What is crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
The page owner is responsible for the distribution of funds raised.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Walk The Island - Portsmouth Fundraising Community
The focus of the Walk The Island Fundraising team is to raise money and increase the profiles for Portsmouth based charities across our local community. Portsmouth is a special place with a loyal caring community who have the power to make a positive impact on the city.