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WAGs Retired Police Dogs raised £527 from 39 supporters
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Closed 26/04/2018
Iʼve raised £527 to WAGs Retired Police Dogs
- Funded on Thursday, 26th April 2018
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Chris & Leafy are completing a Sponsored Paddleboard from Sharpness to Gloucester along the canal Saturday 28th April 2018 from 8am to 3.30pm to raise money for our WAGs Retired Police Dog Trust.
W.A.G.s Retired Police Dog Trust is a non-profit, independent Trust set up to help the retired Police Dogs from Wiltshire, Avon and Somerset and Gloucestershire Police. Police Dogs spend their working lives detecting crimes and helping with searches, often for the most vulnerable people in our society. The dogs can be involved in dangerous situations and may be injured whilst protecting the Public, Police Officers and detaining offenders.
W.A.G.s is not there to assist with everyday expenses such as food and annual boosters but to provide assistance in emergency situations where a large vets bill may mean a decision is made about the dogs future based on cost. We are hoping with W.A.G.s help any decisions are based only on the dogs welfare needs. It is not currently possible to get insurance cover for the large retired Police Dogs. The smaller dogs that have insurance may have exclusions for injuries they may have sustained whilst working.
The retired Police Dogs do not receive any ongoing financial support from the Police Forces and the cost of keeping them and paying for vets bills falls to the handler or the new adopter. The three represented forces did donate to help start the Trust which in the current financial climate was a great help. Sometimes the dogs are not suitable for rehoming and as they have often spent most of their life with the handler it is a natural progression for them to retire to the handlers home. The handler has also built up a special bond with the dogs and the best place for the dogs is often in the home they have spent most of their lives in. Due to early retirement of some dogs, handlers can have two or three retired police dogs.
A massive thank you to Chris & Leafy for arranging this fundraising event for us we are so very grateful for your support. All money raised will go towards life saving Vets fees for our retired dogs.
- 7 years ago
WAGs Retired Police Dogs
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
WAGs Retired Police Dogs started crowdfunding
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Georgia de Lotz
Apr 26, 2018
Good luck guys!
Fay & Tim Thomas
Apr 25, 2018
Best of luck both, hope the sun shines for you.
Lorena Eccles
Apr 25, 2018
Good luck for the weekend x
richard oliver
Apr 25, 2018
Congratulations on reaching your target
Emma Cooper
Apr 25, 2018
Great effort for a great cause...
Kerry Steane
Apr 25, 2018
Apr 25, 2018
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